Textiles Mill: Ring Frame, Speed Frame, Carding, TFO, ID/FD Fan, Dying Process, Knitting Carding, ID-FD fan, Blower, Sizing, Circular looms, Linear Flying Shear, Rotary Knife, Winding etc.
Cement-Minerals Plants: Kiln Drive, Fans, Conveyor, Heater Fan, Bucket Elevator, Separator, Bagging, Blower, Mixer etc.
Machine Tools & Steel plant: Grinding, Turning, Wire / Tube Drawing, Milling, VLT, Rolling mill,Conveyer, Furnace etc.
Plastics: Extruders, Blow Moldings, Polyethylene Bag Making, Printing, Injection molding, Lamination, Rotogravures, Flexo Printing etc.
Pharma-Chemicals& Refineries: ID/FD fan, Conveyer, Mixer, Boiler Plant, Cooling system (HVAC), Centrifuge etc.
Process Industries: Conveyer, ID/FD fan, Blower, Boiler, Chiller Plant, HVAC, Centrifuge Pump, Mixer etc.
Bottling-Foods & Beverage:Compressor, Conveyor, Decanter Centrifuge, Extruder, Labeler, Linear Flying Shear, Mixer, Pump, Rotary Placer, Screw Feeder, Synch-Belt, Vibration Feeder etc.
Cranes-Material handling: Hoisting, Long and Cross Traveling, Material Handling etc.
Pump/Compressors /Blowers we can put as energy savings purpose
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